Butterflies Day Nurseries has two conveniently located nurseries within Bridgwater; one on Bower Lane and one at Woodlands Court Business Park, Bristol Road. Both settings provide a high standard of childcare, with our main aim being to make your little one feel as loved and cared for as they do at home. You, the parents are your child’s first educators; whether the child is 6 months and you’re ‘teaching’ a routine, or 4 years and you’re introducing problem solving and sharing. We aim to work in a close partnership with you so that we, together, can give the very best possible start for your child.

The early years of a child’s life are fundamental to their happiness and general development, and children need every opportunity to strengthen positive attitudes towards themselves, others and learning during these years. At our Nurseries we will provide a loving, nurturing, stimulating, safe and fun environment, where we aim to teach sharing, caring and confidence building through encouragement, patience and praise.

In addition to this our nursery settings enable children to socialise and learn through play from a very early age. Every age group has the opportunity to develop and learn through first hand experiences, making use of a wide range of both indoor and outdoor facilities that we have at our disposal.

Ensuring the well-being of our children begins at the induction stage when each child will be nominated a 'Key Worker' who will take time to talk with parents to discover as much about each child and family as possible. This enables your child to develop a special bond with a member of staff who understand them well and can comfort them when they need it.The key worker is responsible for understanding and communicating your child's individual needs and requirements. They are also responsible for monitoring your child's development which is regularly discussed with you to ensure we can work together to provide the best outcomes for your child/ren.